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The digital DAADeuroletter

The DAADeuroletter is the magazine of the National Agency for Erasmus+ Higher Education Cooperation within the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). 

Targeting a wide readership, it attractively presents topics from the European Union's education programme and reports on the activities of funded projects and the NA DAAD. It also features testimonies from universities whose internationalisation strategies have benefited significantly from Erasmus+ and its predecessor programmes since 1987. Current funding opportunities include student and university staff mobility schemes, but also different forms of partnerships and collaborations in higher education.

The online edition of the DAADeuroletter expands our range of media content. It enables us to regularly update topics from our printed magazines and supplement these with audio and video sequences as well as interactive elements. Since May 2023, our readers have been able to access thought-provoking input and specialist information on Erasmus+ – updated, available at all times, thematically organised and enhanced by multimedia and interactive elements.

For more information on the Erasmus+ programme and the NA DAAD, visit: eu.daad.de